Seeking advice asap!!!!

Here is my disclaimer normally I do not share my personal stuff on social media times, but is hard and need to make sure I am not going crazy.

I need some advice quickly about my situation. So as we know I have been suffering from chronic pain and mental health issues. I have a son who is really really pushing his luck. He is 17 years old very disrespectful and self-center. I think he is a sociopath, but that is my opinion. I am not a professional who can diagnose but he has the signs. He constantly taunts us, tried to fight his dad twice, comes home when he gets ready, he feels we should allow him to bring company home when he feels like, and oh here is the kicker he feels we should be his personal taxi cab. all of this behavior started escalating over the last two years. He hasn’t had any trauma issues happen to him. He has been dealing with a girl who is one year older than her.

She is problematic as well. In and out of juvenile. She has a rap sheet full of assaults on her mother. Yes, I said she it beats her mom up. Very disrespectful, self-center and manipulative seen it first hand. I saw her talk to her mother like trash. She has tried her luck me with a nasty text message late one night. I had to let her know quickly I am not the one and she is over 18 years old. I think we nip that in the bud no issues from her anymore.

Now that I gave you a little background. Here are the things we tried already.

  1. I had sought therapy for him. He told the therapist it was a waste of his and her time.
  2. We ended up with a DCF case (Department of children and families) they came out dropped the case. He was placed in a youth emergency shelter for trying to fight his father.
  3. We were referred to Boystown that offers non- residential services to no avail.
  4. Sent him to a boys youth ranch he stay there for a while, but started trouble there and being disrespectful and defiance to the adults on grounds.
  5. Police at the house a couple of times a week to de-escalate situations.
  6. Restrictions in the house phone, tv, etc.. Was told we were possessive

All these things have not worked for us at all. The laws are set up to protect children which are good for children, how about the parent’s rights. We are being emotional abuse, I guess physically abuse when he tries to fight his dad and verbally abuse. If the shoe was on the other foot we would be under the jail. Please don’t think for one second we are scared or intimidated by this child. He is the fifth out of six children. The youngest boy of four sons. We had the normal teenager trouble with the others nothing this dramatic. None of the other kids dare to step out of line the way this child does. The sad thing is we saw him and this girl disrespect a grow ass man in our house. It’s too much I think God was in the room to stop all of us from snatching both their ass. We knew then he had issues that were just going to manifest to something worst.

As parents, we tend to question where did we go wrong? How can this child turn out like this we raised him, right? When did his mind snap? What causes this to behavior? Finally Why?

It has been hard for me and my husband trying to hold our composure during these times. As I write this my child decided he wasn’t coming home for two night. So now we have to deal with another concerned adult who is taking care of his girlfriend. They were wondering if my son was going to show up at their house. The question is she going to try to sneak him in and if so when caught will they cause a problem since they believe they are the 2019 version of Blonde and Clyde. Just went to his school for a meeting he requested we have with the guidance counselor. To our surprise
(not really), he wasn’t at school.

I need some much-needed advice, please.

HELP HELP The struggle is real!!!

5 responses to “Seeking advice asap!!!!”

  1. A lot has happened since this post. My son has graduated high school and a week later decide to stay out for the weekend. To his shocking surprise, his stuff was packed and he was given notice. I assume he moved in with the girlfriend and her mother. A month later he went ahead and signed up for the military. Now he is going through boot camp as the saying goes “No news is good news”.

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